Pay for your credit card in multiple ways. Add your card to your bank’s payee list. If you don’t use online banking, you can pay in person or by telephone. To pay your credit card in real-time, move funds from your Neo Everyday account using the Neo app or website.
Ways to pay for your credit card
Pay for your credit card statement in different ways:
- Pay your credit card from an external bank
- Pay your credit card from Neo Everyday account
- Cash out cashback to your credit account
If you cash out cashback to your credit account, you'll need to make a minimum payment to keep your credit account in good standing
Pay for your credit card from an external bank
Pay for your credit card from an external bank by adding your card to your payee list for one-time or recurring payments. Payments made from an external bank can take 1 to 3 business days to be posted to your credit account.
Use your Neo Everyday account to pay for your credit card in real-time.
Here’s a step-by-step video guide on how to pay for your credit card from an external bank.
Step 1: Add Neo Financial to your payee list
To add Neo Financial to your payee list, you’ll need two details:
- Payee names
- 16-digit credit card number
Payee names
Search for the following payee names if you have a Neo Mastercard, Neo World Mastercard® or Hudson's Bay Mastercard in your bank:
- Neo Financial
- Mastercard, Neo Financial
- Neo Financial Technologies LTD./Inc
Search for the following payee names if you have a Cathay World Elite Mastercard or Neo World Elite Matercard in your bank:
- Neo World Elite
- Neo Financial WORLD ELITE
16-digit credit card number
Use your 16-digit credit card number as your account number for the payment.
Step 2: Pay for your credit card from an external bank
To pay your credit card from an external bank, use the following steps:
- Log in to your bank (If your bank isn't listed below, sign in to your external online bank account
- Select Neo Financial as your payee (Go to Step 1 to add Neo Financial to your payee list)
- Enter the amount you would like to pay to complete your payment
Go to Credit, then choose your account to view your outstanding balance and minimum payment due.
Pay for your credit card from Neo Everyday account
Pay foryour credit card from your Neo Everyday account in real-time. Select Pay now and choose the amount you want to pay in your credit account from Credit on the Neo app or website.
Neo app
- Log in to the Neo app
- Select Credit and select your account
- Tap Pay now and select your Neo Everyday account
- Choose the amount and tap Transfer to complete your payment
- Log in to
- Click on Credit from the left-side menu and select your account
- Click on Pay now and select your Neo Everyday account
- Choose an amount and click on Continue to complete your payment
Cash out cashback to your credit account
Cash out cashback to your credit card to lower your total balance, but cashback doesn’t count towards your credit card minimum payment. Make a minimum payment to keep your credit account in good standing.
Payment made using the old card number
If you’ve made a payment using the old card number, Neo won’t receive your payment. Contact your bank to stop the payment or request a payment reversal. Use your virtual card details to update the card number (account number) in your payee information and make a new payment.
Payment made to a closed credit account
If you’ve made a payment to a closed credit account from an external bank, contact your bank to request a payment reversal. Neo can’t initiate the reversal and payments reversals may take up to 6 weeks to process.
Refund isn’t a payment to your credit card
If you receive a refund from a merchant, you’ll still need to pay your credit card because refunds aren’t considered a payment toward your credit account. To keep your credit account in good standing, you must make at least the minimum payment.
Avoid credit card fees
To avoid credit card fees (including interest fees and overlimit fees), pay your full credit card statement before the minimum payment due date.
Interest fees on your credit card
To avoid interest fees on your credit card, pay the full statement balance and never miss to pay the minimum payment before the payment due date. Enable Auto-Pay in your credit account from Credit on the Neo app or website to automate payments from Neo Everyday account.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Auto-Pay for your credit card.
Overlimit fees on your credit card
To avoid overlimit fees on your credit card, never exceed your credit limit. Learn more about how overlimit fees work and get tips to avoid overlimit fees.