If you’re having difficulty paying your credit card, Neo may have a monthly payment assistance for your credit card to help you get back on track with your payments. Chat with us to explore your payment options.
How does the personalized payment options work
If you can’t keep up with your credit card payments and your card is eligible for personalized payments options. Neo will send you an email with some payment options. Once you accept the payment option, you’re able to manage the payment assistance from the Neo app.
Didn’t get a personalized payment options offer from Neo
Chat with us if you didn’t get an email from Neo for personalized payment options. Our team can help you explore some options.
How to maintain your account in good standing
To maintain your account in good standing, you can make at least make a minimum payment if you can’t pay a partial or full statement balance. Pay your credit card from your Neo Everyday account or a linked account.
Should you notify about the date of promise to pay?
You don’t need to notify Neo about the date of promise to pay. If you don’t pay, your credit score will be affected.
Need more assistance?
Here are articles for answers to common issues.