If your card is lost or stolen, freeze your card immediately so no one can use the card. You can then report any unauthorized transactions online and get a new card.
Lost card
If you can't find your card, freeze your card and then request a new card.
Freeze your card
Go to your Cards to freeze your card and block any new transactions.
Request a new card
To request a new card, go to your Cards, select your card, and then select Request a new card. Here’s a step-by-step guide to request a new card.
After you request a new card, your previous card will be cancelled and your new virtual card becomes available instantly. View your virtual card or add your card to mobile wallet to continue using your card.
Your new card will have a new card number, valid thru date, and CVC.
Stolen card
If you believe someone has your card, freeze your card and then check for any unauthorized purchases. You can report unauthorized transactions and request a new card online.
Freeze your card
Freeze your card from the Neo app or website to block any new transactions. Go to your Cards, select the card, and select Freeze.
For more details, here’s a step-by-step guide to freeze your card.
Report unauthorized use of your card
Check your credit or Neo Everyday accounts for any unauthorized transactions. If you find any purchases you did not make, then select Report issue from the transaction details to report unauthorized transactions. We’ll help you report unauthorized transactions and then mail you a new card.
Here's a step-by-step guide to report unauthorized transactions.
Request a new card
To ensure the security of your Neo account, request a new card from the Neo app or website immediately, even if there are no unauthorized transactions on your credit or Neo Everyday accounts.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to request a new card.
Your new card will have a new card number, valid thru date, and CVC.
Once you request a new card, your previous card will be cancelled and new virtual card will be available to use right away. View your virtual card or add your card to mobile wallet while your new card arrives in the mail.