If you’re experiencing financial hardship or need help making your monthly payments, payment assistance may be available for your Neo credit card.
Neo has personalized payment options that can help you get back on track with your payments.
Our team is available to help you explore your options. Chat with our team and ask for credit card payment assistance.
Options for payment and assistance
If you’re having difficulty making payments, contact us. We’re happy to explore your options together.
Make a payment if you can
You can make a payment to your credit card from an external account or a Neo Everyday account.
Pay the minimum payment
By making the minimum payment, you’ll keep your account and card active.
Make a partial payment
Some payments are better than no payments. To keep your account and card active, stay on top of your minimum payment.
Personalized payment options
If you're eligible for payment assistance options, Neo will send you an email. You'll be able to manage the payment assistance options from the Neo app.
Contact us
If you’re unsure which option is right for you, our team is happy to help. Chat with our team and ask for credit card payment assistance.
Need more assistance?
Here are articles for answers to common issues.