If you pay your credit card from an external bank, the payment will take 1 to 3 business days (excluding statutory holidays and weekends) to be posted to your credit account. Payments from your Neo Everyday account to your credit account are instant.
Processing time for credit card payments
Processing time for payments to your credit card depends on how you pay:
If you pay from an external bank
Payments from an external bank are posted to your credit account within 1 to 3 business days (this doesn’t include statutory holidays and weekends). If your payment hasn't been posted to your credit account after 3 business days, contact your bank or verify the payee information you have used to pay your credit card.
If you pay from the Neo Everyday account
Payments from the Neo Everyday account are posted instantly to your credit account.
Did you overpay your credit card?
If you have overpaid your credit card, you may request to reverse the payment to the original account. If the payment was made from an external bank, contact your bank for assistance.
Learn more about overpayments to your credit card and if you can request a payment reversal.
Neo can’t help with payment reversals if the payment is made from an external bank. Contact your bank.