An unauthorized transaction is one that you didn’t make on your card. You can report an unauthorized transaction by going to the transaction details and selecting Report issue.
Don’t recognize a transaction?
If you don’t recognize a transaction, confirm you didn’t make the purchase before reporting the transaction.
Search the merchant online
The merchant could be trading under a different name. Searching the transaction description online could help identify the merchant.
Share card details with someone special
Ask someone you’re close to if they have used your card, especially if you’ve shared your card details with them.
Pre-authorized payment
A regular payment you might have previously authorized has been charged to your card. You can contact the merchant and resolve the issue.
Free trial expired
You might have provided your card details when you signed up for a free trial. If the free trial has ended, then your card could have been charged.
If you’ve authorized a transaction, you can still dispute a transaction in various cases, such as when goods or services weren’t delivered, double charges took place, or refunds were not issued, etc.
Recurring transaction
If you notice a recurring transaction (charge) such as a subscription on your account, contact the merchant to request a refund before reporting the transaction to us.
Report unauthorized transactions
If you don’t recognize a transaction, go to the transaction in the Neo app or website and you can include up to 10 unauthorized transactions in your report.
Neo app
- Log in to the Neo app
- Tap Credit or Money, and select your account that has the unauthorized transaction
- Scroll down, and select the transaction that you’d like to report
- Tap Report issue
- Follow the on-screen instructions to submit your report
- Log in to
- Click on the Credit or Money from the left-side menu and select your account that has the unauthorized transaction
- Scroll down, and select the transaction that you’d like to report
- Click on Report issue
- Follow the on-screen instructions to submit your report
Lost your card?
If you've lost your card somewhere, here are three crucial actions to keep your account secure:
Step 1: Freeze your card
If you suspect unauthorized activity on your card, immediately freeze your card to prevent any further transactions from being made using your card.
Step 2: Request a replacement card
Once your card is frozen, request a replacement card to ensure that compromised card details are no longer accessible.
Step 3: Review your account activity
Check your credit or Neo Everyday account for any unauthorized transactions made using your card. If you find any, then report them through the Neo app or website.
Do you think someone has gained account access?
If you believe someone has gained access to your Neo account, you can contact us immediately so that our team can make sure that your account remains secure.
Keep everything under tight control
There are some best practices you can follow to keep your Neo account under tight control so that you only have access to your Neo account all the time.
Verify your device
To maintain the security of your Neo account, you’re encouraged to use your personal device only to access your Neo account and other online banking.
When you log in to your Neo account from a non-trusted device, you’ll be asked to enter the one-time verification code every time you log in. However, if you confirm Always trust the device when you log in then you’ll not be asked to enter the verification code.
Use strong passwords
Create strong and unique password for your Neo account and other online banking. Avoid using information (such as your date of birth or common words) that is easy to remember.
Check out the reset your password article for helpful tips on creating a strong password. Refer to the best practices to create a strong password before resetting your Neo account password.