When you receive your card in the mail, activate your physical card online. Go to Activate and enter your card number, valid thru date, CVC, and the PIN you set up when you ordered your card.
You can also call 1-833-620-3132 to activate your card over the phone.
Activate your card online
Go to Activate to activate your new card. You can also log in to your Neo account to activate your card. If it’s your first time logging in, you may need to reset your Neo account password.
Neo app
- Log in to the Neo app
- In the Accounts tab, select All
- Select your account, tap Card, and then tap Manage
- Tap Activate and input the CVC and valid thru date to activate your physical card
- Log in to member.neofinancial.com
- Click on Cards from the left side menu
- Click on the side arrows to select your card
- Select Activate and input the CVC and valid thru date to activate your physical card
To make your first transaction with your physical card, insert your card into the payment machine and enter your 4-digit PIN.
Activate without logging in
To activate your physical card without logging in, you’ll need your card details and the 4-digit PIN for your card.
- Go to Activate
- Input your card number, valid thru date, CVC, and 4-digit PIN
- Select Continue to activate your physical card
If you don’t remember your 4-digit PIN, then log in to your Neo account to activate your physical card and view your PIN.
Activate your card over the phone
Call 1-833-620-3132 to activate your physical card over the phone. You'll need to provide your card number, valid thru date, CVC, and 4-digit PIN.
Can’t activate your physical card?
If you can’t activate your physical card, your card might be locked for 24 hours or you may be trying to activate a cancelled card.
Locked for 24 hours
If you enter incorrect card details (including the expiry date, CVC, or 4-digit PIN) three times when you’re trying to activate your card,, your card will be locked for 24 hours. You must wait 24 hours after your last activation attempt before trying to activate your card again. Chat with us if you still couldn’t activate your card.
Cancelled card
If you have requested a new card, you might be trying to activate a cancelled card. To confirm you’re activating the correct card, match the last 4-digit of your card number (printed on the back) with the 4-digit shown in the Cards.
Use your virtual card details to make online purchases or add your card to your mobile wallet to make in-store purchases.
Use your physical card
To use your physical card, you’ll need a 4-digit PIN for your card. If you don’t remember the PIN for your card during the set up of your credit account or Neo Money card, here’s how to view the PIN for your card.
You can use tap for transactions up to $250 with Apple Pay or Google Pay.