You can use your card anywhere Mastercard is accepted. If you’re planning a trip, you don’t need to notify Neo that you’re travelling. However, there are a few countries where your transactions won’t go through.
Travel notice for your card
You don’t need to tell us if you’re planning to use your card outside of Canada. Your card will work anywhere that Mastercard is accepted, with the exception of a few countries where transactions are blocked.
If there’s suspicious activity on your card, we’ll send you an email and you can unfreeze your card.
Countries where you can’t use your card
Here’s a list of countries where your transactions won’t be processed. These blocks are in place due to sanctions and political reasons. This list is subject to change.
- Belarus
- Central African Republic
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Iran
- Iraq
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Moldova
- Myanmar
- Nicaragua
- North Korea
- Russia
- Somalia
- South Sudan
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Syria
- Ukraine
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
Online transactions in blocked countries
Your card won’t work for in-person transactions in blocked countries in addition to online transactions at merchants located in blocked countries.
Using your credit card in China
The Cathay World Elite® Mastercard is the only card that can be used for transactions in China. Other Neo credit cards (such as the Neo Credit card and Hudson's Bay Mastercard) can't be used for online or in-person transactions at merchants in China.